
The best part of ODict being written in Go is that calling it from Go is super easy.

To use ODict in your project, simply add it via go get:

go get github.com/TheOpenDictionary/odict@latest

Most of the options you see referenced in method calls below are the same options available in the CLI.

Reading & writing dictionaries

import "github.com/TheOpenDictionary/odict/lib/core"

// Write a dictionary from an XML string
core.WriteDictionaryFromXML("<dictionary></dictionary>", "dictionary.odict")

// Read a dictionary into memory and write it to a new path
dict := core.ReadDictionary("dictionary.odict")
core.WriteDictionaryFromExisting("new.odict", dict)

// Compile a dictionary from an XML file
core.CompileDictionary("dictionary.xml", "dictionary.odict")

Performing lookups

import (

// Read a dictionary into memory
dict := core.ReadDictionary("dictionary.odict")

// Look up entries
var entries []types.Entry = core.Lookup(
    Dictionary: dict,
    Queries:    []string{"dog", "cat"},
    Split:      2,
    Follow:     false,

Indexing & searching

import (

dict := core.ReadDictionary("dictionary.odict")

# Perform a full-text index of the dictionary
    Dictionary: dict,
    Overwrite:  true,
    Quiet:      true,

# Perform a full-text search
var entries []types.Entry = search.SearchDictionary(
  // Here we need to use string() seeing Id() is a buffer object from Flatbuffers
  // Our search term
  // This sets exact=false

Splitting entries

import (

var entries []types.Entry = core.Split(
    Dictionary: dict1,
    Query:      "hotdog",
    Threshold:  3,

Merging dictionaries

import (

dict1 := core.ReadDictionary("dictionary1.odict")
dict2 := core.ReadDictionary("dictionary2.odict")

var merged types.DictionaryRepresentable = MergeDictionaries(dict1, dict2)

Listing all headwords

import "github.com/TheOpenDictionary/odict/lib/core"

var lexicon []string = core.Lexicon("dictionary1.odict")